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This was the first logo of the podcast that I ran with. I'm calling it Alfa face due to lack of ideas for name. Since this was the first, I went with Alfa. The next will be a reverse of colors called Beta. Check it out also. I have a run of shirts that I've given away as a marketing tool, but sizes have run out. Here's your chance to get more if you live far off and I'm out of your size. I also included many options for colors and cuts of shirts available including face masks. Thanks for your continued support.


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This was the first logo of the podcast that I ran with. Being the reverse of the Alfa, I'm calling it Beta face due to lack of ideas for name. Check it out also. I have a run of shirts that I've given away as a marketing tool, but sizes have run out. Here's your chance to get more if you live far off and I'm out of your size. I also included many options for colors and cuts of shirts available including face masks. Thanks for your continued support.




Alien Face (like the alien head shirts with more colors available)